Thursday, March 31, 2011

What do I hate about Witt?


I am going to be a junior in the fall and I'm only 5 credit hours shy of being a junior at this moment. Yet I'm  STILL continuously shut out of the classes I need to take. It's the most frustrating feeling in the world.

When I vent to friends about this they say, "just ask the professor to add you in! They're generally nice about that." I have to disagree. I asked 3 communication professors this past semester to allow me into one of their comm classes and got denied each time.

I COULD graduate early. Instead I'm struggling to find a class simply to have a full schedule.

I also have to wonder what's going on when the ONLY journalism class offered this fall is Beginning Journalism. I know the journalism department is growing rapidly, but come on! I want to take more classes and they're not even available! (Sorry Mac, but it's frustrating!)

I know I'm not the only student in this boat. It happens to a lot of others, but why isn't more done about this? Who else is struggling to fill a schedule?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Happy Are You?

I recently heard about a study by Live Science that ranked the 50 states by how happy its citizens are.

I was just in Florida this week for Spring Break and I wasn't at all surprised to find that Florida was ranked the 3rd happiest state in the U.S. Everyone was so friendly, outgoing, and helpful. (Maybe it's because they knew we were tourists and they were making money off us, but either way they were nice)

However I was shocked to hear that Ohio was ranked 44th.

I'm surprised, but I'm not. I would consider myself an overall happy person; but at the same time I'd say I'm unhappy living in Ohio. I was much happier being in Florida this past week, which begs the question: does weather REALLY influence our moods and overall happiness in such drastic ways??

I blogged about a month ago about how the dreary and hazy January days were just bleeding together and making me depressed, so I'm a believer in the fact that cold weather can really bring down one's spirit.

For those of you who are curious, New York was ranked 51st in the list (they counted D.C. as a state in this study) and Louisiana was ranked 1st.

Are you happy in Ohio? Would you rather live anywhere else?? Do you think weather has anything to do with it?

Smiley face image taken from

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Tolerance at Witt sucks.

And I don't just mean  racial tolerance, as evidenced by the events in the past month. I mean tolerance in general. Students are overly-critical, very preppy, and generally unwilling to accept anyone who is different in the slightest. We're all obsessed with labels and fitting a certain mold. It makes me sick sometimes.

I think the administration has noticed this stereotype and therefore put the community service requirement in place. I don't know how long the community service requirement has been around, but the "Witt Bubble" is still alive and strong. I think we are all reminded of that daily.

If I could change one thing about Witt, I would want the entire Witt community to be more accepting and encouraging of one another. If we can't even accept what's inside the Witt Bubble how are we every going to accept anything that's outside of it??

What do you guys think? Do you think Witt students are tolerant at all? Have you had different experiences than me?