Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pineapple Express

Everyone knows that college students in general don't make the best decisions, especially regarding drug use. I've been told that some Wittenberg students get stoned before class and some use hard drugs on a regular basis as well. I find this topic interesting and slightly depressing (because it CAN ruin lives). I want to know what is going through students' heads!
Do I know people who smoke regularly? yes. But this doesn't mean I approve of their actions or participate myself. I've never smoked anything in my life. Call me a goodie two-shoes or whatever you like, but I value my lung capacity and normal brain function. Besides, I don't feel the need to smoke something to have a good time or fit in. It's just not necessary.
Although I know people who smoke regularly, I don't know anyone who smokes CONSTANTLY. And I certainly don't know anyone who uses hard drugs....or if I do, they've kept it a secret. I find it amazing that some of my classmates and even my professors have spoken about students who have confessed to getting stoned before class regularly. That's really shocking. I came to Wittenberg to study, not get stoned. If students are getting stoned before class, then I think they really need to step back and take a look at themselves and their situation. Maybe even get some help, or at least a new group of friends.
I think peer pressure plays a large role in drug use on college campuses nationwide. Students want to fit in, it's difficult moving to a place where you don't know anybody! You hardly ever hear instances where someone smokes by themselves (unless they're addicts), it's a social behavior.
With that in mind I have to wonder what kind of friends pressure their friends into smoking. Certainly none that I want to keep...but maybe that's just me...

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