Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Fever! But...

It's springtime in Springfield! We all know summer is right around the corner, but it's not time to mentally check out just yet.

I was talking to my friend Brynne this morning about our Public Speaking class and she just went on about how she is mentally checked out of all her classes and she knows she shouldn't be. I think we're all at that point but it's dangerous to go there. I can't even imagine how seniors must be feeling!

But that doesn't give anyone an excuse to stop working or to blow things off.

I'm not trying to sound like a goodie-two-shoes or sound condescending toward anyone, but there are some things I'm noticing about our journalism class lately.

Half of the class didn't show up to journalism on Wednesday and half of the people that showed up left early. My heart went out to Mac who is just trying to keep the class together at this point and it's not fair to him to have to do that. Mac is a great professor and I think it's nice of him to let us get away with turning in assignments late but I think we all take advantage of him to a degree. This isn't fair!

From getting to know all of you in the class, I know we all respect Mac greatly for all the experience he has given us and just for being an all-around nice guy and knowledgable prof. So why does the class collectively seem to blow Mac off on a more regular basis?

Once again, not trying to sound mean, but I'm noticing the patterns and trying to figure things out.

I know spring is in bloom, but classes aren't out yet. We can finish up the semester strong, guys! Only a few weeks left :)

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