Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stereotypes CAN be true...

Ever had that moment when you're like "wow, I thought you were different but you're really just like all the rest"?? I just had one of those moments tonight and it was about something that I've tried to think differently about since I came to college...

Greek life.

I'm sorry for offending anyone but hear me out.

There are so many stereotypes surrounding greek life; that all they ever do is party, that they're really cliquey, etc. Furthermore each greek organization on campus has their own individual stereotypes: Beta's are the theater guys, ADPi's are preppy, FIJI's all play soccer, you know how it goes.

But I've been willing to look past those stereotypes time and time again to get to know people. There are a lot of really great people who are greek, a lot of my friends are! So I find it incredibly frustrating when those stereotypes actually end up being true.

I guess all stereotypes were created for a reason.  And I think we as humans like to categorize things. Rather than taking the time to get to know every single Lambda, we just assume they all like to play video games (sorry Kent and Nishant, had to poke fun at you at least once!). So I get why stereotypes exist despite how unfair they are.

Regardless of how I think I understand it all, my friend still lived up to her chapter's stereotype and I was disappointed by it. I've gotten to know her and I thought she was different, not the cookie-cutter that the stereotype placed her in, but I guess I was wrong and I was disappointed.

Anyone wanna try to convince me that there really is more to greek life than the stereotypes and molds? I want to hear your feedback to this situation.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Shelly I know exactly what you mean and it definitely sucks. Sometimes you just have to realize you're better off without certain people in your life.
