Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Muffin Madness

Guys, I just ate one of those sinfully delicious Otis Spunkmeyer muffins from Post. Have you ever read the nutritional information on those things??? This seemingly innocent breakfast staple is gonna cost you 500 calories. And now I feel really guilty.

I'm in a constant process of justifying eating pizza and muffins all the time by saying I'm so stressed out or that I should enjoy it while I'm still young and have metabolism, etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one. I think it has something to do with our culture telling us how to look all the time.

I just had this discussion with my roommate last night when we were both munching on chocolate at about 11 p.m. We knew we shouldn't but we couldn't help ourselves! Then we went on for about 5 minutes complaining about whatever parts of our bodies we didn't like until I realized what we were discussing was really stupid.

Bottom line is that nobody is perfect. I don't want this to turn into some cliche blog about body image and coming to terms with who you really are, but I really think body image is something that women in college deal with on a daily basis.

As for me, I'm going to enjoy eating my muffins until my metabolism slows down too much that I can't stand it anymore, and you know what? I'm ok with it :)

(Maybe this would be an interesting story idea, especially since women and men alike are trying to get fit for swimsuit season and summer in general. Any thoughts??)


  1. Shelly,
    The metabolism of the college student is such that we could eat Tupperware and our body would deal with it. Haha.
    Believe me I'm a huge offender of the same pizza, cereal, toast (carbs are evil and I love them).

    I like story idea. Talk to those who are trying to lose the love handles and extra jiggle and see what they're doing to rid themselves of it

  2. How do I avoid making this story sound like every other story about losing weight?

    Maybe it could focus on the guilt that students feel about eating unhealthy foods or have some other more-specific angle...thoughts??
