Monday, February 14, 2011

WUSO-Witt's most underutilized media outlet.

Do you or your friends listen to WUSO?? The chances are that none of you do.

But why not????

WUSO is Wittenberg's campus radio station and there are currently over 50 hours of live music on WUSO per week. There are a lot of students volunteering their time and efforts into having live programming on WUSO for you, our fellow student listeners.

Because although WUSO broadcasts to the world (really anyone with an internet connection) our purpose is to bring music and news to Wittenberg students. 

From talking to people who have known WUSO since its inception, I've found out it used to be a really big deal on this campus. WUSO used to sponsor concerts and do live broadcasts from all over campus at various events. I don't know what exactly happened but I think it has something to do with radio becoming a dying medium.

But I really don't think radio is dying at all, just adapting to the times. We can all think of our favorite hometown radio station that we listen to in the car. That's proof that radio still has a large effect on everyone, specifically our generation.

Radio is still a HUGE outlet for news and the latest music. The Billboard Hot 100 wouldn't exist without radio stations playing the latest music. And virtually the only way for anyone in the music industry to get famous is from radio stations playing their songs. Our generation identifies with music and it's something that brings us together. Guess where you can get the latest music while hearing your friends DJing? WUSO 89.1 fm The Berg. yup.

I hear a lot of complaints from campus that WUSO doesn't do enough to reach people, or that all we ever play is pre-recorded material. The truth is that we can't make anyone turn on their radio but I guarantee that once they tune into 89.1 they'll be pleasantly surprised by how music live music we really do have.

WUSO, like the Torch, takes a lot of heat from the campus without anyone willing to step in to make things better. But WUSO and the Torch have both taken huge strides in the past few years to improve their image, campus relevance, and outreach. I'm proud to tell people to listen to The Berg. It's come a long way in a few years and has started to transform into a cool extracurricular for students to be a part of.

So I guess I'm curious, why don't you listen to WUSO? Or if you do, who do you listen to and when?


  1. You're right, I love the unexpected delights of turning on WUSO and hearing some new song or someone

    It's funny, in a perfect world, The Torch and WUSO would still be doing those things: sponsoring events, being the public face of the university in many ways, and still be entertaining. I would have loved to have been able to coordinate with WUSO better on our goings-ons but, c'est la vie.

    It's amazing that in my time here at Wittenberg, that both the newspaper and radio station nearly both went under in a blaze of glory.

  2. Hahhaa I wonder why media on this campus is so difficult so maintain sometimes?!? Really all the time...I don't think it's ever been easy!

    The Torch and WUSO could really compliment each other well I think. It's something we've been moving toward (slowly but surely). This semester we are recording 5-minute weekly news segments and playing them during drive times. A lot of the news is taken straight from the Torch! And I would love for the Torch to publish a featured DJ of the week so people can be aware of their friends who have radio shows.
