Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time to Find a Roommate!!

It's time to think about housing for next semester already! I'm wondering, is it possible to find someone to live with without any kind of drama?

Finding living arrangements is a drama magnet. Everyone is afraid to step on friend's toes or offend somebody in the process which leads me to my next point: people suck at confrontation.

I'm not pointing fingers because I am certainly bad at confrontation as well! But the bottom line is that some things just need to be said and it's best to say them and get it over with, like ripping off the band-aid. And I guess when it comes to it, I'm not afraid to talk straight with people. 

Fortunately, I just got my own living arrangements sorted out last night, but only after my future roommates stayed up until 7 a.m. confronting a friend whom they did not want to live with. Needless to say, the friend didn't handle the news well because she was strung out until the day the house renewal was due. I don't think the friendship is going to last much longer. 

I just wish there was a way people could be honest and open with their friends about situations like these. After all, your true friends will understand and be there for you (even if you decide to live with someone else.) 


  1. It's hard to discuss these things with friends, that's for sure. The excuse I always made to get out of a sticky situation was the one my parents always told me: "don't room with your friends, they won't be your friends anymore if you do."

    It was nice for me to room with people that I wasn't too close to, especially my freshman year. It helps to get the awkward things out of the way: you can be mad at your roommate for something stupid.

    But it's great that you worked your situation out!

  2. See, when I was a Freshman looking for a sophomore roommate, the drama was abound. I had two friends who behind closed doors were planning to room together if we didn't get the triple we had hoped for.

    So suddenly, after the Meyers triples were gone, I didn't have a roommate. Thankfully, one of those roommates had a girlfriend who knew a mutual friend that was still looking.

    All of those little adages about not rooming with friends because you kill each other by the end of the year, couldn't be truer. Rooming with a relative stranger ended up being a lot easier, and I didn't have to lose a limb or a friend in the process.
