Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Blues Got Ya Down?

It's so cliche to talk about the weather, but I really do think weather affects our moods (or at least I've noticed a change in mine!).

I've just felt increasingly 'meh', for lack of a better description. I feel as though I'm constantly going through the motions and not paying much attention to the things going on around me. My memories from the past month are completely strung together and hazy (much like each and every January day in Ohio).

And I blame the weather! I haven't been getting my recommended 10 minutes of sun exposure per day and that lack of vitamin D makes a difference to me. Constantly being exposed to cold and wind has wreaked havoc on my skin as well (and let's face it, dry skin doesn't make anyone happy).

I've turned to a few things to keep me optimistic and happy in this unpleasant weather. I definitely listen to music to brighten my mood. I've been listening to the Avett Bros. a lot lately, they always put a smile on my face. I've also been trying to see the bigger picture in stressful situations. And when you do that, the small things seem to matter less and less. I'm also looking forward to my spring break trip to Florida this year! It's my first spring break excursion so I'm very excited.

But perhaps the best mood-brightener is knowing that the days are slowly but surely getting longer! The sun being out a little longer each day motivates me to do my best to shake off my winter blues.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Shelly, I know exactly what you mean. The last few days with all the good weather, we've all be spoiled and my endorphins are going crazy because there's actually sunshine and nice weather. Let's just hope it keeps up.
